
The purpose of CowboyCountryGospel is to provide you with practical helps in some key areas of your calling. We want to address the needs of pastor, preacher and/or teacher as well as the Christian lay person. It is specifically designed to help meet your ministry needs in such areas as . . .

• Sermon Preparation
• Sermon and Teaching Material
• Small Group Bible Studies
• Outreach
• Personal Devotions


What is the Purpose of the Church?

What is God’s Purpose of the Church? Is it a place of worship? Is it a place of Christian fellowship? Is it a place where believers can be strengthened and equipped for the work of ministry? Is its purpose to make disciples and evangelize a lost world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Yes, to […]


Comparing the Church to an Old-Fashioned Branding

When I think of a local functioning church, I imagine an old-fashioned branding. At a branding, everyone has a job to do. There are no by-standers; no observers–everyone has an assigned task to do:      Someone tends the gate      Another rounds-up the calves      One does the roping      A


The Real Deal

I carry an 1878 Morgan silver dollar in my pocket. I do it for a couple of reasons. For one, a dear friend gave it to me a number of years ago and told me that every time I reached in my pocket and felt the coin, it would be a reminder that he was


To Walk With Jesus

Buck Brannaman is one of the original “horse whisperers.” For years he was a student of Ray Hunt and also of Tom and Bill Dorrance, all followers of a horse-training movement called. “natural horsemanship.” We know it by its more common name, ‘Horse Whisperer.’ A movie was made of Buck Brannaman, simply entitled “Buck”.  The

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