

Time Alone with our Heavenly Father

Have you noticed the number of times the Gospel writers mentioned Jesus slipping away so He could be alone with His Father? • After feeding the 5000— Matthew 14:23. • Before appointing the twelve apostles— Luke 6:12. • Jesus’ withdrew “to the mountain by himself alone”— John 6:15. • The High Priestly Payer of Jesus— […]


What do you Think of When you Hear the Word Church?

What do you think of when you hear the word, ‘Church’? I grew up thinking of the church as a building. Maybe that’s true for you too; you think of a place, a building, a structure of some kind. In today’s culture some may picture a storefront, a tent, or even someone’s home. But the


Is there a Difference Between Praise & Worship?

Is there a difference between worship and praise?  Yes! Understanding the difference between  worship and praise can bring a new depth to the way we honor and worship the Lord. All through the Bible, we see commands to “praise the Lord” . . . Angels and the heavenly hosts are commanded to praise the Lord— Psalm 89:5; Psalm

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